Vampires of Charity, by Sandy Frost


Vampires of Charity is available now in Paperback and eBook

Vampires of Charity Reviews;

I investigate human trafficking crimes. I have read Sandy's work on the Jesters and the child sex tourism. She did her homework and dug deep. Nothing was falsified and everything she did was verified. I really appreciate her investigative skills. I am disappointed that the main stream media did not run with what she had uncovered. Sandy keep digging and keep up the great work. You truly care for people and are genuine. Unfortunately if people like you don't expose this corruption, nobody will. God bless. -Jon Daggy, Detective Sergeant with the Indianapolis Metro Police Department, Vice Unit Human Trafficking Investigator

In my long life I have met very few journalists whom I would give my endorsement to. Sandy Frost is at the top of the very short list. Sandy has absolute integrity in anything she writes. Her expose of the Royal Order of Jesters is a much needed expose. The men involved in this horrible cover-up need to be brought out into the sunlight, rather than letting them continue to scurry around in the dark, like the cockroaches they are. Sandy, I applaud you. -Most respectfully, Tuklo Nashoba, CEO/Producer, Ghost Shield Entertainment Group

Sandy Frost is not very good at keeping secrets. It's not a personal fault; it's her strength. In "The Vampires of Charity" she is at her best in investigating and exposing so-called secret societies and making them uncomfortable. And that's no secret. -Dan Raley, Seattle multi-media Journalist

Sandy Frost is a fierce bulldog of a reporter. Her reporting has raised some very serious questions about the Jesters organization and how our government defines "charities." -Dan Herbeck, co-author of the NY Times bestseller "American Terrorist," the Timothy McVeigh biography.

About the Author

Sandy Frost is an online journalist, author and publisher who has followed the field of Remote Viewing (RV) for the past fifteen years. She first heard about RV listening to Art Bell interview Major Ed Dames, U.S. Army, ret., on CoastoCoastAM on Halloween night, 1996. “My hair stood straight up,” she said. “After listening to Ed on the radio for five years, I finally attended my first RV conference in 2001. I remember standing in the ballroom, thinking that no one was writing about these guys.” “I then began covering RV, Intuition and Consciousness for on 9/11/2001 and wrote a story about the conference for UFO Magazine. Over the next four years, I wrote over 70 articles that make up the bulk of my new book.”
Frost is a U.S. Navy vet who served as an electronics tech in our "Hunt for Red October" SOSUS sub tracking network; an original shareholder of Ahtna, Inc., an Alaska Native corporation; and is a member of Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) and Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ).
Frost served on SPJ Western Washington Pro Chapter Board of Directors and contributed to being named Large Chapter of the Year for three years running, as well as being awarded the Circle of Excellence award for Diversity in 2009. She currently serves on SPJ national Diversity Committee, was named a 2011 Diversity Leadership Program Fellow and is a four-time SPJ award winner. She is the author of "Shriners' Shame: The Dark Side of the World's Greatest Philanthropy” and was peer nominated and presented with's top honor, "Random Act of Vineness." is a subsidiary of MSNBC.


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