Even When Failures Make Speeches, By Marcus T. Bentley

Introducing the latest release by author, Marcus T. Bentley!

Even When Failures Make Speeches

In the first part of the book, Bentley talks directly to his children about the mistakes that he made as it pertains to money, relationships, and education. He firmly believes that excellence in these three areas is the starting point for all fulfillment in life. He thoroughly describes all the instances where he failed in hopes that his children will not make the same mistakes.

In the second part of the book, he delivers three speeches – Don’t Kill the Messenger, Let’s Get Real, and Even When Failures Make Speeches. Don’t Kill the Messenger is a plea for individuals to listen to the message when someone is speaking, instead of trying to discredit the person speaking. Let’s Get Real is a short speech about the dangers of blind optimism and pessimism versus the benefits of realism. Even When Failures Make Speeches is a short speech about the importance of listening to the man who knows what NOT TO DO.

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Born in Albany, Georgia, Marcus T. Bentley is the son of a pastor and educator. He has a beautiful, loving, and supportive wife, Crystal, who has been his rock and unwavering motivation. He has two beautiful children, Alexander and Arianna.

From an early age, Bentley has always been a writer (his parents commonly saw books, poems, songs, and small plays all around the house). He always focused on impacting the lives of the people he met, no matter their status. Early in life, Bentley heavily pursued a career in music while working as a server and bartender. At the age of 25, Bentley worked as a kitchen manager at a popular chain restaurant for several years. He used his leadership skills to inspire others to perform at their best continually and always keep a laugh in their lungs. Years later, Bentley enlisted in the United States Army. As a highly decorated Human Resources Sergeant, he has helped multiple Soldiers enroll in school and pursue their personal and professional goals.

Bentley believes that even with hard work, without knowledge, many will never reach their true potential. The primary aim of any self-help book is to help as many people as you can, not impress anyone – or at least that is his perspective. His books are written to supply knowledge to those who might be uninformed about how some things work. If more failures gave speeches, there would be fewer failures. Because he has failed numerous times, he made a pact with himself to always tell THE SHORT VERSION, so people do not have to figure out things the hard way or read the long version. Read and Succeed.

Marcus is also the author of A Bucket Full of Crabs and After You Get Naked in the Mirror... 

About A Bucket Full of CrabsWhy is it only a few people “make it out”? For those few, why are they not eager to rescue the people who are experiencing the same level of despair which they had not too long ago?In this book, I go over five stories and five reasons why some people don’t give back to the communities from which they come. My goal is to spark a conversation about breaking the cycle of successful individuals leaving and never returning to the communities that need their guidance. In my opinion, the only way the most impoverished and crime-ridden neighborhoods in America will change is if the people who grew up and succeeded despite those conditions return with a roadmap.

“I wish to change the world. You can only do that by clearing up one misunderstanding at a time.” - Marcus T. Bentley

Purchase the Paperback, Hardcopy, or eBook


About After You Get Naked in the Mirror... In this book, Marcus T . Bentley proposes that the solution to the problems that ail most societies today is for every person to Get Naked in the Mirror. However, After You Get Naked in the Mirror, he believes you must make the five decisions listed in this text so your life can be transformed. The five decisions are: 1) Decide to acknowledge the real culprit for the state of your life is YOU, 2) Decide to define what success looks like in your eyes, 3) Decide to create CONCRETE game plans, 4) Decide to establish a strong support team, and 5) Decide to execute your game plans violently.

‘I know that when you start to do these things, a paradigm shift will organically occur, and you will see as other successful people do. You will understand their perspective when they say – my life is whatever I say is!!!’ - Marcus T . Bentley

Purchase the Paperback, and eBook

Get in touch with Marcus; FacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedIn

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