Creative Oxygen For Your Writing Soul, by Mandy Lacy, PhD

Creative Oxygen For Your Writing Soul, by Mandy Lacy, PhD is available now!
Mandy Lacy brings an interesting and exceptional combination of experience, skills and qualifications. She holds a Masters degree in Learning Science and Technology and PhD from the University of Sydney Research Centre for Learning and Innovation, Australia. Mandy is also an international Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst in the organisational psychology field. In her work, Mandy brings a wealth of expertise to the areas of transformation, leadership, coaching, teaching and benefits realisation management. From her PhD experience of including creativity and art into her everyday life - it was an absolute game changer. Mandy credits the practice to successfully achieving major projects and challenges in her life.
From supporting others applying creativity into their lives and watching the same outcomes happening of improved life balance, joy, love, creativity, and overall happiness - her business of Creative Passion was born. It is through these experiences Mandy has developed the offering of ‘Creative Passion’ a group of services that supports people to have more creativity in their lives.
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