The ULTIMATE Novel Writing Journal

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Are you stuck in a writing rut and don't know how to move forward?

Do you need structure to set writing time for yourself?

Do you want somewhere to gather your writing ideas and scribbles together in one place?

This Fiction Novel Journal is the ONLY one you will ever need. It is a lively prompt for creative writers looking for help in setting themselves regular creative tasks, goals, and challenges. Even if you've written one book or fifty (or none!), there's something here for everyone. This planner has been designed by an author with other authors in mind.

A taste of what’s included; Over 250 pages to help you start, finish, publish, and market your beloved novel.

- Weekly, monthly, and yearly goals

- Daily word count

- Story scene layouts and bridges

- Protagonist and character profiles, relationships, and arches

- Character dialogue, family & friend tree

- Brainstorming and noting pages

- Cover creation guide

- Title exploration and design

- Story timeline

- Social media suggestions and calendar

- Email ideas and marketing timelines

- Editing, reviews, and submission trackers

- Book signing preparation and checklist (including space for photos)

- Inspirational thoughts and quotes

- Pitch ideas (quick elevator conversation)

... And much, MUCH more!!!

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